FreeBSD's ports migration to git and its impact on HardenedBSD

FreeBSD completed their ports migration from subversion to git. Prior to the official switch, we used the read-only mirror FreeBSD had at GitHub[1]. The new repo is at [2]. A cursory glance at the new repo will show that the commit hashes changed. This presents an issue with HardenedBSD's ports tree in our merge-based workflow.

I'm going to archive our old ports repo[3] and create a new repo[4]. Due to the nature of our changes and how far back our history goes, creating a new repo is necessary. Attempting to do a `git merge --allow-unrelated-histories` works, but brings gitlab to its knees, eventually failing.

For projects downstream of HardenedBSD using the same kind of merge-based workflow, you will need to effectively do the same thing we did. Here's the process I took:

  1. Match the last commit of the old repo (e7ad26d92beff76bbead7b6b675ad5c551e86fa9) with its corresponding commit in FreeBSD's old ports repo (4010f7bbc03638d71781ce091bf40a0907fa12fe).
  2. Clone FreeBSD's new repo to a temporary location
  3. Generate a diff between the old repo and the new: git diff 4010f7bbc03638d71781ce091bf40a0907fa12fe e7ad26d92beff76bbead7b6b675ad5c551e86fa9
  4. Create the hardenedbsd/main branch
  5. Apply the diff created in step 3
  6. Commit and push

Instead of committing directly to the master branch, we created a new branch "hardenedbsd/main". Upstream's branch in our repo is "freebsd/main".

I apologize for the breakage downstream to us. I made a "best effort" attempt at trying to prevent the breakage, but the ports repo is just too large to do it.

Going forward, please use the new repo at [4]. No merge requests and bug reports for the old repo at [3] will be accepted.

I plan to restore the every-six-hour autosync script this weekend. While there's still dust to settle, I plan to do the syncs myself. The dust should be settled this weekend.
